What is the WILL?
What is WILL POWER? |
The 'will' is the part of our mind that can make choices - it is like the central government of our bodies. The will can say, Yes, please, I will; or No, thank you, I won't. |
'Will power' Have you ever noticed that it does not take any effort to make unhealthy decisions? That is the way we are since Adam and Eve gave in. We all have a leaning to what is not good for us, that needs to be kept under control, but we can have victory, and it can be consistent. ‘Will power’ is something that God can give us to add to our choices and our own determination so that those choices become real for us. We could decide not to overeat. We could pray for the power to add to our will but God will not take our hands and tie them up to keep them away from the goodies. We hear the still small voice telling us that it would not be good to have any more. We decide and then He helps us to walk away, but we have to obey the still small voice - and that is another choice. That is the dignity of being a human being - being able to make choices. Then God can give us the extra power to make our choice and our first feeble steps strong. |
'Out of control'? What does it feel like? Over weight, unhappy, guilty? For the very short times we have managed to tie self down and done the right thing, by our own efforts, it has felt so much better. It was like a burden gone, and life seemed so much more in rhythm. Would it not be wonderful to be able to live like that all the time? Adam and Eve went outside the planned boundaries, so to have real health today, we need to come back inside the boundaries.
Here is a diagram to show you what happens when a temptation comes to us. It represents the way the brain works.
Where do our problems all begin? They begin with a temptation. It is usually something attractive to us that we want so much.
To be free, we have to begin with a choice. Yes? or No? |
The temptation comes to the will first - will we or won't we? Often we make a decision without even thinking. 'I fancy it!' 'I want it now!' And we do it! This means that we have given in to the lower powers in the bottom circle - desires, passions, feelings, appetites, wants, tastes, lusts. We have become slaves and toys of the lower powers and we do what they want every time.
BUT when we say NO, we are using the frontal lobes of our brain—the part just behind our foreheads. This is where our reasoning, intellect, and wisdom - the higher powers - lie. If we live under the control of the higher powers, our lives come back inside the boundaries again. This is when life feels more balanced and health can be restored. We are free. We are not slaves. To be free is to be able to say ‘No’. Have you ever thought of that? We think we have freedom when we say, ‘ yes, yes, yes,’ to anything , and we can do what we want. To be able to say No is to have real freedom. To say No is to exercise a choice, and this is true humanity. |
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