1 C dates and 1 C hot water.
Cook together to make 'date butter'.
1T vanilla
1/4 C cornflour
Bring all together to the boil, to cook the cornflour thoroughly. Then slice a ripe banana in the bottom of the dish and pour on the carob mixture. Leave to cool and serve chilled. It can be served in individual glasses too with grated marzipan topping. |
1½ C Grapenuts (a crunchy cereal available in some supermarkets) OR Jordan's Special cereal/muesli.
1½ T oil
1/8 C water
1T honey
If using a muesli type cereal or home-made granola it is worth putting it in the grinder to make it smoother texture. Mix all the ingredients and press into the base of a greased flan dish. Bake in a moderate oven until golden, about 20 minutes.
OR for a simpler, quicker base - Pour the Grape nuts into the flan dish and moisten all with fruit juice. Apple or grape give the nicest results. There is no need to pre-cook this simple base. |
2 blocks of plain tofu (not silken)
1T vanilla essence
1/2t salt
1/8C pineapple juice
1/4 C mild honey (acacia for preference—useful for all dessert baking)
1/4 C light vegetable oil (sunflower—flavour does not dominate the recipe)
1t lemon juice
1/2t almond essence
Blend all till creamy, then pour over the cooked base/fruity base Cook again in a moderate oven until set, and just brown at the sides, maybe coming away with a few small cracks near the edges. |
When cool, top with blackcurrant sugarless fruit spread (available from health shops.) You can use any fruit to top this cheesecake type recipe. Be sure and serve only small wedges as it is not like a commercial cheesecake. These ingredients are much more satisfying.
(Cook’s notes for this recipe.) It looks like a lot of ingredients and small amounts. They all matter. The soya bean curd or tofu sets when it is combined with oil and lemon. The others are the flavourings. |
Vanilla soya icecream
Vanilla dessert (Provamel variety)
Carob pudding
Fruit salad cut fine, OR grapes and kiwifruit chopped OR small can of crushed pineapple.
Build up in layers and finish with icecream. Sprinkle chopped nuts on the top of this and serve with long spoons. |