Health And Hope

Health And Hope

Using The Gifts Of Creation

How are you? Are you well?

Health rules
Body spring cleaning

Food as medicine


Will Power

Fresh Air

Rest and relaxation

Trust in God

The hope perspective


> Music
> Nut nutrition
> Packed lunches

If there is a God why does he allow suffering?

your hands. Either you can live with God and have the right to that beautiful Tree of Life forever or you could be destroyed with everything else that is evil.
The last solemn warning to be given to the world is given in Revelation 14: 6-12. Here are some extracts. 'Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgement is come, and worship Him who made heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains of waters.' This means to put God first in everything, to remember that He created the world and worship Him. To worship the Creator means to love Him supremely, to keep the seventh-day (Saturday) Sabbath, His memorial of Creation as a sacred day, and to acknowledge His worth. It is important to realise that the final issue at the end of the world will be WORSHIP - to worship God and show our loyalty and thankfulness to Him for life and health, or to worship a counterfeit which will use force and legal systems to demand and coerce worship. Read Revelation chap.12;17, and Chs13,14.
Health and Hope has offered you solutions to help you live in the last days of this world. There will be great benefits for health, pleasure and lightness of spirit, but the more serious side is vital to you, too. These same prescriptions will help you be an overcomer of all kinds of temptations, your character will grow, and you will be ready to make the big decisions that will face us all.
'Behold I make all things new … there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things are passed away.' Revelation 21:4,5. This is the ultimate Health and Hope. What will you choose? God will hear you and help you. He loves you. He wants you.
God bless you. AMEN!

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