Just as we do not put clean food onto a dirty plate, so it is not good to try to put clean foods into a dirty body. There are five organs of the body which work to eliminate the wastes and toxins. These are the areas where we need to begin our clean-up.
The five organs are:
1. The bowels
2. The kidneys
3. The liver
4. The lungs
5. The skin.
Were any of these a surprise to you? Often we do not think of the lungs and skin working to clear our body wastes. And the skin is actually the largest organ of the body.
Before starting to stir up the residues in the tissues and the cells, it is best to empty the bowels properly for the task they will do later. Friday night is a good starting time, so that you have the weekend ahead of you. This cleansing process will make the body work very hard, so do not plan to spring clean the house at the same time! |