SALAD The biggest container of the lunchbox is the most important, the one that holds the salad. There are many books on the market that give salad combinations which are worth trying. Iceberg lettuce and a tomato is better than nothing, but try to use the deeper green or red lettuce, dark-green water-cress, two or three grated Brussel sprouts, or some finely cut spring cabbage. Dark-green leaves should form the basis, then build with a selection of other colours, carrots, peppers, radishes and others. It can be differently beautiful every time, but big!
What can go in those interesting small containers? A few nuts, either one variety or mixed, nuts and dried fruit, a tablespoon of dressing placed in a small screw top jar (do not add in the morning - it will wilt the salad due to the enzymes in the lemon), a small vegetable pie, a bunch of grapes, a slice of nut roast, some savoury rice, vegetable dips and sticks of crunchy vegetables, marinaded tomatoes and others, or some well rinsed olives, either black or green.
Be sure and have something that is a favourite too. It will be more satisfying that way. And something to look forward to. It might be something that could be kept to eat on the way home, instead of dropping into a local shop or garage.
Many people have to take soluble aspirin every day to help their blood. It has been known for a long time that in France, heart disease rates are lower.
It was thought that it could be the consumption of red wine. Researchers recently have experimented with control groups trying red natural grape juice and other groups using orange and other juices. Those taking 2 small glasses of red grape juice daily, had very much less ‘stickiness’ in their blood. There was less aggregation of the platelets. It might be a useful addition to your diet, and sparkling water could be added for a difference. |