Our Lord Jesus Christ - Health And Hope - Using The Gifts Of Creation
Health and Hope looks at the Bible and reveals our roots and potential for both now and the future. The problem of suffering, firm hope of better times, the end of sickness and evil, and the second coming of Jesus revealed through Bible prophecy.

Health And Hope

“Our Lord Jesus Christ came to this world as the unwearied servant of our necessity. The burden of disease and wretchedness and sin He came to remove.  It was His mission to bring complete restoration; He came to give health and peace and perfection of character. His compassion knew no limit.”

Health And Hope About Us Using The Gifts Of Creation

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Health and Hope offers an improved general lifestyle, not specific cures or alternative therapies for named conditions.  Please do not discontinue any doctor's medication or go against any medical advice that you have been given. For individual queries we would ask you to check with your medical practitioner.